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Next Generation Sequencing Analysis

  • 4 Weeks
NGS Data Analysis


About NGS Course: The fields of NGS and computational biology involve the development and analysis of Genomics data generated from illuminia platform to make biological discoveries. some people enter the field as a biologist who learns how to use the tools or as computer scientists/engineers who are able to build tools. A solid background in both biology and Drug Designing is extremely helpful. Syllabus Introduction to Bioinformatics Linux basics R programming basics Experimental setup (Basic of wet lab principle of each sequencing methods ) Basic of NGS data analysis NGS for genomics; assembly, alignment, QC and variant calling tools NGS read-to-reference alignment (genomic and RNA-Seq) Variant calling in populations NGS for transcriptomics; QC, mapping, visualization tools Reference of RNA-sequence data Statistics used for RNA seq data analysis Principle of some MLA like PCA , heatmap , hirarchial clustering Functional annotation Pathways analysis Network analysis Important Notes: Training Mode: Online Trainers : Highly Experienced Industry Professionals. More interactive class Training participation E-Certificate will be provided at the end of the training. Queries/support even after training will be encouraged through forum. Please feel free to ask if any further information required.

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